Radioactive waste

Radioactive waste is radioactive material for which no use or recycling is planned. Disused sources are also classified as waste even if contained in equipment or devices in general. This waste is disposed of in accordance with specific European and national rules, which aim to protect workers, the population, and the environment.


Legislative Decree n°101/2020, radiation protection and classification of radioactive waste

Legislative Decree n°101/2020 lays down basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from exposure to ionizing radiation and pays particular attention to the permit system and arrangements for the management of radioactive waste, including natural sources of ionizing radiation and fissile materials.

Radioactive waste and sources of ionizing radiation are classified according to the Decree of 7 August 2015 according to the following categories:

  • very short-lived radioactive waste (VSLW, Very Short-Lived Waste)
  • very low-level radioactive waste (VLLW, Very Low-Level Waste)
  • low level radioactive waste (LLW, Low Level Waste)
  • intermediate level radioactive waste (ILW, Intermediate Level Waste)
  • high level radioactive waste (HLW, High Level Waste)

Disposal service of radioactive sources and waste

MITAmbiente is equipped with all the technical and organizational skills and the authorizations required by the current legislation to dispose of radioactive waste, including sources, from the use of radioisotopes of health & sanitary origin, industrial and research.

Waste is collected at production site, storage or at facilities where radiometric anomalies are detected. MITAmbiente collaborates with the reference Radiation Protection Experts of the collection site since the first phase of identification of the material, packaging for the management of waste, authorization practices, the relationship with the Competent Authorities and the subsequent withdrawal.

Radioactive materials - Recycling or reuse

The international network of MITAmbiente’s partners includes agreements for the recycling of certain types of radioactive material, under the monitoring of the competent authorities.

This reduces the environmental impact and contributes to the development of the circular economy, all this with a view to limiting the amount of waste, both in terms of volume and activity.

Taking over certification

Upon acceptance at the warehouse, MITAmbiente issues the certificate of taking charge of the material. This certification certifies that MITAmbiente takes charge of all subsequent phases of radioactive waste management, while relieving the producer of the responsibilities inherent in the waste itself.